I hearby do swear and proclaim to the world that Katie Gill is a true artist and a talent to be reckoned with. And, to quote Forest Gump: "That's all I have to say about that.” - Gary Val Tenuta

— Tantalizing Tenuta Times

I was a vendor there this week helping out my wife because she didn't feel so good. I was cranky and tired when I arrived to set up our display of tomatoe plants and basil, and didn't feel like selling. Listening to Katie Gill singing really helped put me in the right mood, turned out I had a great day. Thank you very much Katie.” - Joe S

— Corrales Growers's Market

The most captivating voice belongs to rhythm guitarist Katie Gill. Solo, it's pure enough to glide through "Blue Bayou"; on harmony it's the polish that makes other voices shine.” - Kira Jones

— Albuquerque Tribune

If your idea of a good time is spending Sunday listening to some soothing, soulful music, you're in luck this weekend. Albuquerque singer Katie Gill premiers her CD "All in Good Time," 4:00 p.m. at Rio Grande Presbyterian Church, 600 Coors NW. The release features her dulcet tones on everything from folk to pop to country to rock, on subjects including love, friendship and family.”

— Albuquerque Venue

Not just fat ladies in steel bras" ........Morska-Osinska was singing on behalf of Opera Unlimited, an Albuquerque volunteer organization that brings opera into schools all over New Mexico. William Sirco, a bass, soprano Katie Gill, and pianist Cara Hammond joined her in presenting a mini-opera about Aesop’s Fables. Mixed among the arias and duets was a cha-cha-cha that got 200 kids clapping out the rhythm in perfect time with the music. Then Gill whipped out a guitar for an original blues number. In her other life she dons a cowboy hat and pointy boots when she croons with the Buckarettes, a Texas-swing band.” - Jim Scarantino

— Albuquerque Alibi

Katie, I caught your performance at Solid Grounds last night-compelling selections, masterfully performed, striking harmonies. Thanks, TC” - Terry C.

— A fellow musician

Hi Katie, I finally have a moment to write this week. I hope you made it home safely after the retreat. It was a wonderful retreat, Katie. I loved the music and the way you teach us and lead us in singing. It makes us sound beautiful! I'm still humming Om Shanti - I love that one. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with us, year after year.” - Karen Hill

— A raving friend...

I loved it. I loved "When I fall in Love" even more (Although it was way too short) You've got such a melodic voice. It's gorgeous all by itself.” - Rich Castagno

— A raving friend...

Katie's harmony class is fantastic and is a blast. Katie's expertise in music is vast, and her class met my expectation of learning to harmonize and sing with others. I recommend every possible opportunity to learn from Katie.” - Cynthia - aka - "Hooked on Harmony"

— A fan and friend

Katie's classes have been so much fun....and supportive. I've finally gotten over my fear of singing in front of other people.” - Blythe C

— A satisfied student